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We pray to be generous and visible people of Jesus Christ

About us

The Church of St Mary and St Andrew, Whittlesford, is a warm and inclusive community of people who seek to know and reflect the love of God seen in Jesus Christ. St Mary and St Andrew is in a Local Ecumenical Partnership with Whittlesford United Reformed Church. We are part of the Ely Diocese of the Church of England.

What we Believe
  • We believe in the loving God who creates all things and who is made know to us in the humanity and life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth.

  • We believe that through the death of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection we are forgiven when we go wrong and are reconciled to God and each other through the Holy Spirit.

  • We come with open minds and hearts to reflect honestly on the meaning of the story of Jesus for us today.

  • We journey together, sharing our gifts and vulnerabilities with the hope that we will find the fullness of life and love that Jesus promised.

Our Team
Revd Olivia Coles

Olivia has been the priest at Whittlesford since November 2018. She and her husband Alasdair have lived around the Cambridge area since 1994. They have two adult children, Alex and Kana. Olivia grew up as a vicar's daughter and has always been passionate about the church reaching out to the community, as the body of Christ. She enjoys traditional and contemporary worship and especially working inter-generationally, helping others discover gifts and calling. Olivia and Alasdair love eating out and spending time together walking, when they can find a diary slot! 

Rev’d Phil Nevard arrived in South Cambridgeshire at the end of July 2021 and formally began work in the village at the beginning of September.  He and his wife, Lythan, are both United Reformed Church ministers having previously served pastorates in the North East, London and Devon.

Julie Hughes LLM in training

Melita Gordon Pioneer LLM 

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Julie has lived in the village since 2009 and came from north Kent.

She is an active member our church as well as being a student with ERMC. She hopes to be licenced in September 2025.


Melita was licenced in September 2023 and lives in Malawi part of the time. She is a doctor and together with her husband works in community with Malawians. She links with our church virtually and visits in person whenever possible.

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Church Warden - Prof. Hill Gaston 
Deputy Church Warden - Dr Christine (Chris) Gaston
Alison Knights

Alison is a musician and member of the ministry team. She says "I love singing, reading and playing with my grandchildren".

Alasdair Coles

Alasdair is Olivia's husband. Ordained in 2008, he occasionally helps out at Whittlesford and local churches.


Parochial Church Council - 2024


Olivia Coles - Incumbent and Chair

Hill Gaston - Lay Chair and Churchwarden

Chris Gaston - Deputy Churchwarden

Juliette Kingcombe and Carly Newport - PCC Secretary (and families)

Jon Salisbury - Treasurer (Ex-officio)

Annie Appleyard - Parish Safeguarding Officer & Deanery Synod Rep

Hill Gaston - Mission and Stewarding

Adam Evans - PCC and Deanery Synod Rep  (Ely Diocese)  

Julie Hughes(LLM in training) - PCC and Electoral roll officer

Deborah Knowles - PCC

St Mary And St Andrew's Church
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